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In this third edition of ELEMENTS, our experts cover a diverse range of topics across the three service lines, including navigating cyber-attacks, development of green energy in the US, wind turbine blade failures, risks associated with battery storage systems, steel lazy wave risers, heap leach pads and the trends emerging from a review of the “Largest 100 losses” undertaken by Marsh.

You can view the articles in the links below, or go straight to our digital interactive edition to navigate through the content. 

Article 1: Navigating Cyber-attacked in the Natural Resources Sector

Article 2: Offshore Wind Energy Projects will be Coming to the United States

Article 3: Replace or Repair? Exploring Wind Turbine Blade Failures

Article 4: Reviewing the 100 Largest Losses in the Hydrocarbon Industry 

Article 5: Battery Energy Storage Systems and Associated Risks

Article 6: Introduction to Steel Lazy Wave Risers 

Article 7: Insurance Considerations for Heap Leach Pads

Spotlight Series Part Two: Gaining insight into the day-today lives and background of two more Charles Taylor colleagues

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