Insurance Management

Charles Taylor Insurance Management offers end-to-end management of mutual insurers, captives, life insurers and other insurance programmes for capital providers, under a model of long-term partnership. We also manage insurance funds and acquire and consolidate international life business.

We have over 130 years’ experience of managing mutuals and our clients include the world’s fourth largest Protection and Indemnity (P&I) club and the USA’s largest longshore workers’ compensation insurer.

We work closely with our clients to deliver their strategies, meet their customers’ needs, and extend their global reach. Our work also enables them to offer additional insurance covers and services to their clients and members.

Mutual Management Services

We provide end-to-end management of mutual insurance companies and associations.

We deliver a complete outsourced management and operational service to our clients, reporting directly to their independent boards of directors drawn from the membership. Our services cover every aspect of those companies’ operations.

Our knowledge and expertise in providing these services to mutuals means we are ideally placed to establish new mutual insurance companies and associations, or provide support to established insurance vehicles in a flexible and cost-effective way.

Captive Management

Captives are insurance companies that are formed by organisations to self-insure some or all of their own risk exposures.

Our Captive Management services, delivered globally, provide a cost-effective solution for businesses to manage their financial risks.

From initial feasibility studies to the establishment and management of captive insurance companies, we provide a comprehensive range of services. We set up and manage traditional single-parent captives, group captives and also provide turnkey segregated cell companies offering ease of implementation and exit to our clients.

Why Charles Taylor Insurance Management?

We bring together a number of key management services to ensure our clients are able to extend their reach and achieve their goals. With vast experience in insurance management – and a global Group network to leverage – we’re well placed to deliver an end-to-end service.

Get in touch

Find out how our wide range of services can support and benefit your business.