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Charles Taylor Insuretech are pleased to announce that the ‘switch on’ of the integration between Lloyd’s Contract Management system (DCOM) and CTI Borderaux Submission platform (DDM) was successfully undertaken on 22nd October 2022.

This is a significant advancement in the London Market modernisation and forms part of the Blueprint II core roadmap, whereby contract data entered into DCOM will automatically flow into DDM via an API, without the need for user intervention.

The project represents a two-year collaborative approach between CTI, LIMOSS and Lloyd’s, which was originally due to go live on November 2021, however deferred whilst additional enhancements were made to DCOM throughout 2022.

Congratulations to the core team at CTI: Alexander Rakshie (Project Manager), Nick Silverman (ex BA), Subba Nanduri  (Lead Developer), Vipul Agarwal (Test Lead) and Latha Horne (Service Management), as well as several other CTI resources assisting where required.

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