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Group InsureTech Adjusting COVID-19 Marine Technical Services Assistance Investment Management Richards Hogg Lindley Claims Solutions


Date: 29 June, 2021; 9 am PDT, 12 pm EDT, 5 pm BST

Location: Webinar

In recent years, the biggest and most surprising losses in the credit and political risk market have been associated with fraud. The published financial statements of a buyer or obligor may look good, but are they truthful?

We will dissect some of the largest case studies from the last two years, each involving losses of several billion dollars, and examine the tell tale signs of fraud.

We will show sophisticated use of social media investigations as well as forensic accounting as tools to identify the warning signs in advance.


This event is part of our Adjusters' Insight educational webinar series. Sign up to recieve news about all upcoming events here

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