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Group InsureTech Adjusting COVID-19 Marine Technical Services Assistance Investment Management Richards Hogg Lindley Claims Solutions


Date: 25 November 2020; 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm MST
Location: Webinar

Operator's Extra Expense claims are made when a well blows out and an uncontrolled flow results. While these claims are not as frequent as they were in years past, blowouts do continue to occur. In this virtual presentation we will explain the coverage and analyze some of the policy wordings.


  • The risks of a well blowout occurring

  • Claim quantum statistics from twenty OEE claims handled by CTA in Canada (Brokers will be interested in the claim quantum -information as this can be an issue on claims where limits are insufficient)

  • The historical statistics from the Alberta regulator

  • Case studies of OEE claims

  • The claims process and claims issues


  • Robert Paxton, Vice President, Strategy & Performance (Moderator)

  • Sheila Griffith, Senior Loss Adjuster, Calgary

  • Mike McMahon, Managing Director, Natural Resources, Europe and Singapore

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